Monday, May 22, 2017


Oh the joy's of getting Edmund to eat food.  It's been challenging trying to get him to eat.  We've tried different spoons, a nook version, hand food, pureed food and he has been stubborn with each one.  But, finally being held and assisting with the spoon he's starting to enjoy the world of food!  Here are some fun moments of victory. 







Edmund Nine Months - Bill Version

Bill's shots of Edmund on the move. 

Edmund 9 Month Photos

Nine months brought the army crawl.  Which means Edmund started finding lots of new things to explore and kept mom and dad on their toes while he perfected his new way to get around.  This was also the first more challenging photo session for mom and dad.  Edmund wanted to keep crawling and showing us his moves. 









Daycare fun

Edmund has a great daycare and they do quite a few things with the kids.  These are just some of the many things he's done. 


Painting with a toothbrush

 Dr. Suess Week and Pajama FriDay 


Trying out bubble wrap for the first time.  Too bad his first teeth (bottom) were bothering him and he was therefore a little sad for this activity.